Friday, November 16, 2007

Compassionate Libertarianism

Kwan Johnson - Candidate for Congress/reporting

I am safe and back at the San Francisco apartment with my friends (one of whom is my assistant and whose transcription you have read here).

I can't say why I let Irv go.  I am no better than anyone else.  My previous relationship with "Uncle Vick" has been documented in this blog.  It is no secret.  Victor is not a good man, but I could not run away and leave him to bleed to death.  Sure, we used to go to the dog races drunk together in the old days, but I'm a new woman now.

I am a Libertarian.  I don't believe in UFOs like Kucinich.  I am not a comedian like Stephen Colbert.  I am a Libertarian, which Democrats and Republicans alike consider just as bad.

Even though I believe in the legalization of all drugs as a solution to the War on Drugs, I do not believe that even psychopathic murderous asshole ex-boyfriends should be left to bleed to death in a skanky pole dancing palace - no matter how much I might have wished for such a thing during the "war years" of our relationship.

I have no time for a relationship with anyone now.  I guess, not even with Irv.  Those nights in the desert together were romantic, it is true, but now I must put aside my selfish interests and fight to represent my congressional district here in San Francisco.  

Or can I?  Irv, if you read this tonight, think of me.  I would welcome you into my campaign if you would submit to a "Study of The Psychopath in Our Halls of Justice and in Our Seats of Power," that I am writing.

And would you have dinner with me?

BTW, Uncle Vick was taken back to jail in Los Angeles.  He has a torn spleen.  He might need a spleen transplant.  I gave your name as his closest blood relative.  I hear spleen donors are hard to find.

Please consider my invitation,

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