Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kawasaki 500

Yeah, it's me-Irv!

I lost the white pickup as soon as I got to LA.  I've got an 08 Kawasaki 500 now! We bought it with Uncle Vick's American Express Card. It's amazing that even if you've been accused of murder, American Express will let you keep your account.

Kwan and I are together again and waiting at UCLA Children's Hospital. Sy is being seen by his pediatrician. Kwan slipped the little bugger a benadryl in his Wheatina this morning and it knocked the little sucker right out. We got him out of Uncle Vick's house and away from the basement door where his "daddy" refuses to come out. 

Kwan and I looked pretty hot riding the motorcycle into UCLA today. She's got those shiny vinyl pants and I had my shirt off...because that's the way I used to drive cycles when I did stunts for Universal. Sy was in a "baby harness" around Kwan's neck.

Here comes the doctor. He's got the baby in his arms and he and Kwan are talking while I write this on Kwan's macbook. After all, this was my blog in the first place, right?

The doctor looks very serious while he speaks to Kwan and Kwan...what's wrong?? She's looking at me with horror. 


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